Shopping for collars and leashes for your dogs

Christmas Collar Collars Cotton collars Dog Dog collar dogs Donate Four Black Paws Free shipping Handmade Handmade makers Hong Kong Hong Kong Dog Rescue Online store Pet Pet accessories Pet fashion Pet store Pineapple Product Shopping Stylish Unique woofy woofy collection

Woofy Collection first started out as we found that when we were trying to shop for collar and leash for our foster pup, the offers at local pet stores were very limited. Basically you would be seeing standard colors and nylon ones, nothing with characters.

Next we went online to search for more options. One of the brand that caught my eye was ‘Four Black Paws’. This brand was selling their handmade collar and leashes on Pinterest. The owner, Sara, is from USA, and she handmade each and single piece of the products herself, using sturdy cotton and metal parts, taking in mind the items being strong enough yet stylish at the same time. As I read through her website, I became aware that she started out her collection because when she took in her black lab, she wasn’t able to find something ‘ girly’, while within her expected price range. Everything that was some sort girly enough was either too expensive or was far too boring. 

Four Black Paws Pineapple Collars

Given it seemed that it was a common problem faced by many dog owners, we decided that Woofy Collection would be the place where we source unique and quality pet accessories, suited for any breed or sizes! Please stay tuned at this space for more of our sharing on the reasons behind our product offerings!  We offer free worldwide shipping for order over US$50, with part of the proceeds donated to local animal shelter. 

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